Built with Berta.me


    1978 born in jena

    2001 – 2003 studied communications design at burg giebichenstein - university of art and design halle
    2003 – 2008 studied painting at the academy of visual arts leipzig with arno rink, neo rauch
    2008 diploma with prof. neo rauch
    2008 – 2009 postgraduated studies with prof. ingo meller, leipzig
    2009 studied fine arts at the royal academy of arts london, uk
    2010 graduation as meisterschüler of prof. neo rauch, leipzig


    spur, galerie supper, baden-baden (s)
    spectrum 3, galerie eigenheim, berlin
    beth, the grass is greener, leipzig
    lucky stripes, lineg, kamp lintfort (s)
    antifragil, the grass is greener, leipzig (s)
    creating space, bmw foundation, herbert quandt, berlin

    tino geiss, galerie brockstedt, berlin (s)
    offenbarung, stiftung christliche kunst, wittenberg
    quite quiet, oms pradhan, brussels (s)
    tempo, the grass is greener, leipzig, with jörg ernert (s)

    the collector of world, saint paul de vence

    impress, museum für druckkunst, leipzig
    inauguration, ktr, leipzig
    grazie, villa rosenthal, jena (s)
    stuhl, tisch, buch, bild, kunstkreis hameln (s)
    werkschau, baumwollspinnerei, leipzig
    fragil, the grass is greener, leipzig (s)

    jg – toystory, d21wds, leipzig
    galerie brockstedt, hamburg, with hans scheib (s)
    mutz, museum burg posterstein
    einblicke, oms pradhan, brussels (s)
    räumen, streichen, kleben, schleifen, galerie christian finger, weimar, with stefan lenke (s)
    all stars cast, galerie baer, dresden
    nachbilder. queen anne, leipzig
    boys, potemka, leipzig
    hamburg, dresden, leipzig, drewag, dresden
    landstriche, galerie leuenroth, frankfurt/m.
    vorwand, queen anne, leipzig, with elena kozlova (s)
    addition, galerie baer, dresden
    landschaftsgänger, galerie parrotta, stuttgart
    malerei und collage, galerie krätz, kassel (s)
    heimspiel, stadtwerke jena (s)
    layers player, strzelski galerie, stuttgart
    memory, hannover gallery, hannover (s)
    nach lust & laune, kunstsammlung gera - orangerie, gera
    da capo, emmanuel post, leipzig
    palme, pappel, tannenbaum, galerie brockstedt, hamburg (s)
    raumrinde, emmanuel post, leipzig, with sebastian rug (s)
    white cube, dark room, dirty hands, artlab21, kokerei hanse dortmund
    salon der gegenwart, elbhof, hamburg
    memorie, galerie brockstedt, berlin (s)
    quiet and peace ?, galerie baer, dresden
    eb dietzsch, geraer bank, gera
    landschaften, städtisches kaufhaus, leipzig
    neues Deutschland, blauer block, magdeburg
    fundus, geraer kunstverein, gera (s)
    von vorn, riegel - bestehornpark, aschersleben
    wanderer, marburger kunstverein, marburg
    malerei, galerie brockstedt, berlin (s)
    verschiebungen, galerie koenitz (s)
    proud and prejudice, technische universität, berlin
    debütieren, werkschauhalle spinnerei, leipzig
    new talents, galerie noah, augsburg
    leonardo, kunstmuseum walter, augsburg
    iterna nova, kunsthöfe, berlin
    sturmfrei - houseparty, galerie baer, dresden
    fkk, kunstraum am see, markkleeberg
    dialog der kulturen, haus des handwerks, murmansk (ru)
    linz+leipzig, galerie der stadt wels, wels (au)
    einunddasselbe, temp. ausstellungsraum, ehemalige unibuchhandlung, leipzig


    2015 4th print symposium "edition carpe plumbum" bbk leipzig
    2012 casa baldi residency of the german academy rome, olevano romano, italy

    2010 project grant of freistaat thüringen for publication and project fundus 
    2009 1st prize of junge akademie award (with franziska junge & martin rapp)
    2009 scholarship for great britain, german national academic foundation
    2007 stipend of the german national academic foundation
    2006 travel grant of daad as part of project hiwar fanni, cairo, egypt